Regex to match an aws arn

There is no /queue/ substring in your example string, and \S+ matches any no whitespace character and will cause backtracking to match the rest of the pattern.

You might update your pattern to ^arn:aws:connect:\S+:\d+:instance\/\S+$ but that will be less precise according to the things you want to check.

A bit more precise pattern could be:

  • ^ Start of string
  • arn:aws:connect: Match literally
  • \w+(?:-\w+)+: Match 1+ word characters and repeat matching - and 1+ word characters and then match :
  • \d{12}: Match 12 digits and :
  • instance\/ Match instance/
  • [A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)+ Match 1+ alpha numerics and repeat 1+ times - and 1+ alpha numerics
  • $ End of string

Regex demo

You need some capture groups to facilitate this. Here I've also used named capture groups for ease of understanding.

const string = "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:123456789011:instance/0533yu22-d4cb-410a-81da-6c9hjhjucec4b9";

// Regex broken down into parts
const parts = [
  '(?<region_name>[^:]+?)',         // group 1
  '(?<account_id>\\d{12})',         // group 2
  '(?<instance_id>[A-z0-9\\-]+?)',  // group 3

// Joined parts into regex expression
const regex = new RegExp(parts.join(''));

// Execute query and assign group values to variables
const { region_name, account_id, instance_id } = regex.exec(string).groups;

console.log("region_name:", region_name);
console.log("account_id:", account_id);
console.log("instance_id:", instance_id);