Do Tallboys count as found bodies, and how do I hide them if so?

Solution 1:

I reckon the tallboy body (not including its frame/stilts/wreckage) will be treated like a normal body, and could be found if not hidden properly.

But the tallboy's frame/stilts/wreckage, based on my test, does NOT count as a 'dead body', even if the enemy found out all about it.

To test, I played Lady Boyle's Last Party, and finished that mission with '0 dead or unconscious bodies found' in the mission stats. I had Shadow Kill, and always killed stealthily so this will ensure that no bodies will be found at all.

I then loaded a savegame made near the mission exit. After that, I proceeded to kill a nearby tallboy stealthily, then hid and shot a crossbow bolt at the tallboy's wreckage, alerting a nearby guard to check out the wreckage:
enter image description here

After I proceeded to finish the mission, the missions stats still say that there are '0 dead or unconscious bodies found'.