Convert specific json values as dictionary values in python

this is my example JSON file.

  "Sl No.": 1,
  "Questions": "Who is known as ‘Father of computers’?",
  "Option A": "A.Vannevar Bush",
  "Option B": "B.Charles Babbage",
  "Option C": "C.Howard Aiken",
  "Option D": "D.John Atansoff",
  "Answers": "Charles Babbage",
  "Level" : 2
  "Sl No.": 2,
  "Questions": "Which among the following has low speed storage?",
  "Option A": "A.CD-ROM",
  "Option B": "B.Extended storage",
  "Option C": "C.Magnetic disks",
  "Option D": "D.Magnetic tapes",
  "Answers": "Magnetic tapes",
   "Level" : 1

I'm trying to convert it into a python dictionary which should have question and answer pairs like this:

dic ={"Who is known as ‘Father of computers’?": "Charles Babbage","Which among the following has low speed storage?": "Magnetic tapes" }

And as of now I'm using this method to convert into dictionary:

json_file = open("import.json")
data = json.load(json_file)

questions = []
answers = []

for i in range(len(data)):
for i in range(len(data)):

easy = dict(zip(questions, answers))

Here I'm iterating through the JSON file to find question and answer values and appending them to an empty list. Then I'm using the zip function to convert these 2 lists into dictionaries. I know this isn't a very optimized approach and as my application scales, I'll have to create multiple dictionaries for which I have to create 2 lists for every dictionary and then zip again. Is there any easier and better approach? Thank you

You can use a dictionary comprehension here. There, you iterate over an iterable and put key value pairs separate with a colon. That will generate a dictionary for you. In code, that reads like

result = {d["Questions"] : d["Answers"] for d in data}

Note that I habe used the keys as shown in the example not the ones used in your code.