SQL Server stored procedure breaking up results

I am trying to get a list back from a stored procedure, but I believe I may have used the wrong method?

The data I am getting back is fine, but is breaking up the results into sections instead of one continuous result.

I need it to be in one continuous result as it needs to be then exported out to an accounting program.


I maybe should have mentioned I am teaching myself SQL and procedures, so I don't entirely know what I am doing, so please forgive me. :)

I spent most of last week writing and re-writing before finally coming here to ask for help.

What I had written was overly complicated I now realise (not to mention not giving the response the way I needed.) I was trying to repurpose code I had found elsewhere.

This is my corrected code.

    @varBillingDealerPeriodID int


DECLARE @BillingDealerBatchRosterID int;


        SELECT  count( * ) AS ItemTotalCount
                , di.DealerName
                , di.DealerID
                , bdbr.BillingDateTo
                , bdinr.BillingDealerInvoiceNumber

        FROM    dbo.billing_dealer_batch_item bdbi

            LEFT JOIN   dbo.dealer_info di                              ON di.DealerID = bdbi.DealerID
            LEFT JOIN   dbo.billing_dealer_batch_roster bdbr            ON bdbr.BillingDealerBatchRosterID = bdbi.BillingDealerBatchRosterID
            LEFT JOIN   dbo.billing_dealer_invoice_number_roster bdinr  ON bdinr.DealerID = di.DealerID

        WHERE   bdbi.BillingDealerBatchRosterID IN (
                SELECT DISTINCT BillingDealerBatchRosterID
                FROM dbo.billing_dealer_batch_roster
                WHERE BillingDealerPeriodID = @varBillingDealerPeriodID
                AND bdbi.ItemConditionID < 2 

        GROUP BY di.DealerName
                , di.DealerID
                , bdbr.BillingDateTo
                , bdinr.BillingDealerInvoiceNumber
    END TRY 

Thank you for everyone's help!

Solution 1:

Get rid of the cursor and the loop.

Then change this

    AND bdbi.BillingDealerBatchRosterID = @BillingDealerBatchRosterID

To this

    AND bdbi.BillingDealerBatchRosterID IN (
        SELECT DISTINCT BillingDealerBatchRosterID
        FROM dbo.billing_dealer_batch_roster
        WHERE BillingDealerPeriodID = @varBillingDealerPeriodID