Pytorch: can we use nn.Module layers directly in forward() function?

You need to think of the scope of the trainable parameters.

If you define, say, a conv layer in the forward function of your model, then the scope of this "layer" and its trainable parameters is local to the function and will be discarded after every call to the forward method. You cannot update and train weights that are constantly being discarded after every forward pass.
However, when the conv layer is a member of your model its scope extends beyond the forward method and the trainable parameters persists as long as the model object exists. This way you can update and train the model and its weights.

What you are trying to do kinda can be done, but shouldn't as it's totally unnecessary in most cases. And it's not more readable IMO and definitely against PyTorch's way.

In your forward layers are reinitialized every time and they are not registered in your network.

To do it correctly you can use Module's add_module() function with guard against reassignment (method dynamic below):

import torch

class Example(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.num_embeddings = 2020        
        self.embedding_dim = 51 

    def dynamic(self, name: str, module_class, *args, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, name):
            self.add_module(name, module_class(*args, **kwargs))
        return getattr(self, name)

    def forward(self, x):
        embedded = self.dynamic("embedding",
        return embedded

You could structure it differently but that's the idea standing behind it.

Real use case could be when the layer's creation is somehow dependent on the data passed to forward, but this may indicate some flaws in program design.