How to find length of digits in a number in Netlogo?

Solution 1:

You can use word to get from whatever input to a string:

to-report digits-count [number]
  if (not is-number? number) [
    error "The input passed to 'digits-count' was not a number!"

  report length (word number)

; Then, in the Command Center:
observer> show digits-count 123438
observer: 6

Note that, if it is possible to have numbers with characters that are not digits (e.g. a decimal separator, a minus sign etc) you need to also remove those characters using remove:

to-report digits-count [number]
  if (not is-number? number) [
    error "The input passed to 'digits-count' was not a number!"
  let string (word number)
  set string (remove "." string)
  report length string

; Then, in the Command Center:
observer> show digits-count 234.45
observer: 5