How to group by a custom date (month, day, year) range and create seasons across the time group and get summary?

This first identifies the day 2 months prior, which shifts everything into the year and section of the year it's season begins in. Then it defines an ordered factor with the name of the season in order starting from the spring. count(x, wt = y, name = "name") is a shortcut for group_by(x) %>% summarize(name = sum(y)) so it works here for summing the climate numbers by year & season.

df %>%
  mutate(date_2mo_ago = date %m-% months(2),
         season_num = quarter(date_2mo_ago),
         season = c("spring", "summer", "fall", "winter")[season_num] %>%
         year   = year(date_2mo_ago)) %>%
  count(year, season, wt = climate, name = "climate")


   year season climate
1  1979 winter    2921
2  1980 spring    4744
3  1980 summer    4687
4  1980   fall    4392
5  1980 winter    4199
6  1981 spring    4456
7  1981 summer    4420
8  1981   fall    4330
9  1981 winter    4552
10 1982 spring    4870
11 1982 summer    4995
12 1982   fall    4622
13 1982 winter    1536