How to create bulleted text list in Android Jetpack compose?

I want something like this :

  • Hey This is first paragraph.
  • Hey this is my second paragraph. Any this is 2nd line.
  • Hey this is 3rd paragraph.

I don't know if it can meet expectations,please try

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun TestList() {
    val list = listOf(
        "Hey This is first paragraph",
        "Hey this is my second paragraph. Any this is 2nd line.",
        "Hey this is 3rd paragraph."
    LazyColumn {
        items(list) {
            Row(Modifier.padding(8.dp),verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
                Canvas(modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp,end = 8.dp).size(6.dp)){
                Text(text = it,fontSize = 12.sp)

Found it while brainstorming. Just another approach with annotated string and only one Text.

val bullet = "\u2022"
    val messages = listOf(
        "Hey This is first paragraph",
        "Hey this is my second paragraph. Any this is 2nd line.",
        "Hey this is 3rd paragraph."
    val paragraphStyle = ParagraphStyle(textIndent = TextIndent(restLine = 12.sp))
        buildAnnotatedString {
            messages.forEach {
                withStyle(style = paragraphStyle) {