How to run tkinter inside a docker container on MacBook Pro?

I made a little docker image with xeyes in it to test X11 clients with the XQuartz X11 server on my Mac using this as my Dockerfile:

# Base Image
FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk update && \
    apk add --no-cache xeyes

# Set a working directory

# Start a shell by default
CMD ["ash"]

And then I built it like this:

docker build -t setchell/xeyes .

And I run it with this:

# Prerequisites
#   brew cask install xquartz
# Set your Mac IP address
IP=$(/usr/sbin/ipconfig getifaddr en0)

# Allow connections from Mac to XQuartz
/opt/X11/bin/xhost + "$IP"

# Run container
docker run -it -e DISPLAY="${IP}:0" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix setchell/xeyes

And once in the container, I just run:


And here is the result:

enter image description here

There may well be simpler ways, and some steps may be unnecessary and if anyone knows a simpler method, please ping me. I'm always happy to learn.