Conditional cumulative sum in Python/Pandas

Solution 1:

You want to take the cumulative sum of data_binary and subtract the most recent cumulative sum where data_binary was zero.

b = df.data_binary
c = b.cumsum()
c.sub(c.mask(b != 0).ffill(), fill_value=0).astype(int)


0    1
1    0
2    1
3    2
4    3
5    0
6    0
7    1
Name: data_binary, dtype: int64


Let's start by looking at each step side by side

cols = ['data_binary', 'cumulative_sum', 'nan_non_zero', 'forward_fill', 'final_result']
        b, c,
        c.mask(b != 0),
        c.mask(b != 0).ffill(),
        c.sub(c.mask(b != 0).ffill(), fill_value=0).astype(int)
    ], axis=1, keys=cols))


data_binary  cumulative_sum  nan_non_zero  forward_fill  final_result
0            1               1             NaN           NaN             1
1            0               1             1.0           1.0             0
2            1               2             NaN           1.0             1
3            1               3             NaN           1.0             2
4            1               4             NaN           1.0             3
5            0               4             4.0           4.0             0
6            0               4             4.0           4.0             0
7            1               5             NaN           4.0             1

The problem with cumulative_sum is that the rows where data_binary is zero, do not reset the sum. And that is the motivation for this solution. How do we "reset" the sum when data_binary is zero? Easy! I slice the cumulative sum where data_binary is zero and forward fill the values. When I take the difference between this and the cumulative sum, I've effectively reset the sum.

Solution 2:

I think you can groupby with DataFrameGroupBy.cumsum by Series, where first compare the next value by the shifted column if not equal (!=) and then create groups by cumsum. Last, replace 0 by column data_binary with mask:

print (
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    3
4    3
5    4
6    4
7    5
Name: data_binary, dtype: int32

df['sum_data1'] = df.data_binary.groupby(
df['sum_data1'] = df['sum_data1'].mask(df.data_binary == 0, 0)
print (df)
   data  data_binary  sum_data  sum_data1
0     2            1         1          1
1     5            0         0          0
2     1            1         1          1
3     4            1         2          2
4     3            1         3          3
5    10            0         0          0
6     7            0         0          0
7     3            1         1          1