Image exif_transpose not working with Pillow 7
I also just ran into this bug so here are a few things I've found:
Here's a link to a relevant github issue
According to this comment, this problem only affects images with specific tags. Also this only applies to version 7, while version 6 had a different but similar issue that stopped exif_transpose from working. The comment says this wasn't fixed until version 8.1.0. I'm trying on version 9 and it appears to be fixed.
I'd recommend upgrading your version of pillow. If you're not able to do that, you could try this. I haven't tested it on pillow 7 but it looks like it may work.
import Image, ExifTags
try :, fileName))
for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys() :
if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation]=='Orientation' : break
if exif[orientation] == 3 :
image=image.rotate(180, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 6 :
image=image.rotate(270, expand=True)
elif exif[orientation] == 8 :
image=image.rotate(90, expand=True)
image.thumbnail((THUMB_WIDTH , THUMB_HIGHT), Image.ANTIALIAS),fileName))