correct algo for deep copying a string in c++ [closed]

this is the code i have for deep copying a string in copy constructor so is the logic correct??I think there may be memory leak and i am trying to fix that.m.pStatus is initialised

class Monkey

// insert your code here
Monkey(const Monkey& m);
Monkey& operator=(const Monkey& m);
// accessors
int getX();
int getY();
char *getStatus();
void deepCopy(const Monkey& m);
// global variables (incremented each creation or destruction)
static int numStringsCreated;
static int numStringsDestroyed;

        // Do not change this data
    int x;
    int y;
    char *pStatus;

void Monkey::deepCopy(const Monkey& m)
    if (m.pStatus)
        // allocate memory for our copy
        pStatus= new char[sizeof(m.pStatus)];
        for (int i{ 0 }; i < sizeof(m.pStatus); ++i)
            pStatus[i] = m.pStatus[i];
        pStatus = nullptr;

    Monkey::Monkey(const Monkey& m)

Avoid using sizeof(pStatus). Unless the variable is fixed sized array, it will evaluate to the size of a pointer, not the length of the string.

strlen and strcpy for classic C string length and copy operations.

This is closer to what you want. It ensures that it cleans up any previous allocation and implicitly handles the case where a self assignment is made (e.g. m.deepCopy(m)) by allocating the copy first before deleting the old. You could make an additional optimization to say if (m.pStatus == pStatus) and skip the copy operation entirely.

I'm working under the assumption that pStatus was initialized to null or something valid in the constructor.

void Monkey::deepCopy(const Monkey& m)
    char* psz = nullptr;
    if (m.pStatus)
        size_t len = strlen(m.pStatus);
        psz = new char[len+1]; // +1 for null char
        strcpy(pStatus, m.pStatus);

    delete [] pStatus;
    pStatus = psz;      

But if pStatus was a std::string you wouldn't need to do any of this allocation stuff and you likely wouldn't need to overload the assignment operator or copy constructor.