Mac solution for "safe" alternatives to "unsafe" C/C++ Standard Library functions?

What's the best one-stop-shop "safe" C library solution on the Mac? I use quotes on "safe"/"unsafe" because there is much debate as to the benefits of certain Standard Library functions or their putatively improved alternatives.

Many traditional Standard C Library functions (e.g., vfprintf) are considered to be unsafe due to the potential for buffer overflow or other security problems.

On Windows, the Microsoft C/C++ compilers provide the "_s" functions (e.g., vfprintf_s) as a safer alternative to the standard library calls. These functions are not drop-in replacements since they have the different signatures necessary to provide additional safety information (e.g., buffer length). They also provide other features such as invalid format string detection, different file security, etc. As far as I know, this implementation is not available on the Mac.

Does Apple (or a third party) provide anything similar for use with GCC on OSX?

In particular, I'm looking for "safe" implementations of at least the following functions:

fopen vfprintf vsprintf sprintf strncpy strcpy strcat

Please note: This question is about the Mac. I am NOT asking for your opinions about Microsoft's implementation (unless it's available on the Mac.) Although some of these functions might be easy to write myself, not all are. I am NOT asking how to write these myself. I'm NOT asking for tips on how to use STL classes to do this. I'm NOT asking how to turn off warnings. My particular needs are very specific. I'm trying to identify a best-practice Mac API that is as similar as possible to the traditional C library calls while adding safety. Of course a portable implementation that works on Mac and Windows (and other operating systems) would be even better.

Solution 1:

First of all, print the documentation about "safe/unsafe" functions from MSDN and burn it!


Is as safe as fopen_s... Uless you are idiot and assume that returned pointer is not NULL, or provide NULL as input parameter.

vfprintf vsprintf sprintf 

Just MS do not support C99, use snprintf family.


Is perfectly safe if you read the manual

strcpy strcat

Use strncpy and strncat and read specifications. (i.e. strncpy may be not null terminated)

So... once again:

Print the documentation about "safe/unsafe" functions from MSDN and burn it!

Solution 2:

SUMMARY: on Mac, there are several APIs and compiler options that provide safer alternatives to C Standard Library functions. Here are some of them compared with Microsoft's "safe" APIs:

fopen     fopen_s     C          none, assume fopen is safe
vfprintf  vfprintf_s  GCC        GCC_WARN_TYPECHECK_CALLS_TO_PRINTF(1)
vsprintf  vsprintf_s  GCC, C99   GCC_WARN_TYPECHECK_CALLS_TO_PRINTF, vsnprintf(2)
sprintf   sprintf_s   GCC, C99   GCC_WARN_TYPECHECK_CALLS_TO_PRINTF, snprintf(3)
strncpy   strncpy_s   BSD        strlcpy(4)
strcpy    strcpy_s    BSD        strlcpy
strcat    strcat_s    BSD        strlcat(5)

(1) GCC_WARN_TYPECHECK_CALLS_TO_PRINTF is an XCode configuration option which corresponds to the GCC command-line option -Wformat. This option produces compiler warnings of disagreement between argument types and static format strings. There are a variety of other options to control GCC's treatment of format strings. You can even use GCC's format function attribute to enable format string checking on your own functions.

(2) vsnprintf and (3) snprintf are from the C99 version of the C Standard Library (available in GCC on Mac but not in MSVC on Windows).

(4) strlcpy and (5) strlcat are BSD library functions, available on Mac.

Solution 3:

Instead sprintf and vsprintf, you want to use:

snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, fmt_string, args, ...);
vsnprintf(buffer, buffer_size, fmt_string, valist);

Instead of strcpy, strncpy, strcat and strncat you want to us:

strlcpy(dest, src, dest_size);
strlcat(dest, src, dest_size);

There is one important way that the strn functions can not be replaced by the strl functions. If you want to copy non-0 terminated strings, the strn functions allow you to do that by setting the length to the smaller value of the amount of copy and the size of the destination buffer. The strl functions do not do that and only work when the source string is 0 terminated.

Not sure how fopen or vfprintf are considered unsafe.

Solution 4:

See also: SO 327980.

The Standard C committee has created a technical report, TR 24731-1, in part at Microsoft's encouragement (I believe). It standardizes the interfaces to the various functions such as vsnprintf_s(). Sadly, however, the interface defined by the standard is incompatible with the interface defined by Microsoft, thus rendering the standard largely irrelevant.

For example, TR 24731-1 says the interface to vsnprintf_s() is:

#define _ _STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1_ _ 1
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int vsnprintf_s(char * restrict s, rsize_t n,
                const char * restrict format, va_list arg);

Unfortunately, MSDN says the interface to vsnprintf_s() is:

int vsnprintf_s(
   char *buffer,
   size_t sizeOfBuffer,
   size_t count,
   const char *format,
   va_list argptr 


  • buffer - Storage location for output.
  • sizeOfBuffer - The size of the buffer for output.
  • count - Maximum number of characters to write (not including the terminating null), or _TRUNCATE.
  • format - Format specification.
  • argptr - Pointer to list of arguments.

Note that this is not simply a matter of type mapping: the number of fixed arguments is different, and therefore irreconcilable. It is also unclear to me (and presumably to the standards committee too) what benefit there is to having both 'sizeOfBuffer' and 'count'; it looks like the same information twice (or, at least, code will commonly be written with the same value for both parameters).

Solution 5:

Since OSX's userland is based on FreeBSD, you do have some nicer functions like strlcpy and strlcat.