OAuth2 different token expiration time per client

I am using spring-security-oauth2 to implement my OAuth2 Authorization server. spring-security-oauth2 is going away and I understand I need to replace it with spring-authorization-server

Question: Is it possible to have different token-expiry-time for different clients (here client represents client-id/client-secret pair)?

If Yes, can you please share documentation/sample code around spring-authorization-server?

If no, is it a limitation of spring-authorization-server OR it is not allowed by OAuth2 spec?

(To clarify, I am NOT saying that it was possible in spring-security-oauth2, if it was I would like to know as well)

Solution 1:

Yes, you can have different expiration times per client. You would use the tokenSettings of each RegisteredClient, as in the following example:

RegisteredClient registeredClient = RegisteredClient.withId(UUID.randomUUID().toString())

See the sample config for full context.