Code doesn't calculate the score, it is always set on 0

I'm trying to make a code for Paper-Rock-Scissors game and it should read 'rating.txt' file and if there's a record for a person's score start with this score, and if there isn't a record it should start counting from 0. Help me please, here's my code :

import random

person = input('Enter your name:')
print('Hello,', person)
score = []

while True: 
   user_move = str(input())
   user_move = user_move.lower()
   to_win = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']
   computer_choice = random.choice(to_win)
   with open('rating.txt') as file:
       for line in file.readlines():
           line_list = line.split()
           if line[0] == person:
               score = int(line[1])
   if user_move in to_win:
       if user_move == computer_choice:
           print(f'There is a draw ({user_move})')
       if user_move == 'rock':
           if computer_choice == 'paper':
               print(f'Sorry, but the computer chose {computer_choice}' )
           elif computer_choice == 'scissors':
               print(f'Well done. The computer chose {computer_choice} and failed')
       if user_move == 'paper':
           if computer_choice == 'scissors':
               print(f'Sorry, but the computer chose {computer_choice}')
           elif computer_choice == 'rock':
               print(f'Well done. The computer chose {computer_choice} and failed')
       if user_move == 'scissors':
           if computer_choice == 'rock':
               print(f'Sorry, but the computer chose {computer_choice}')
           elif computer_choice == 'paper':
               print(f'Well done. The computer chose {computer_choice} and failed')
   elif user_move == '!exit':
   elif user_move == '!rating':
           print("Your rating:", sum(score))
       print('Invalid input')

if line_list[0] == person:
               score = int(line_list[1])