Laravel Hyn\Multi-Tenant Database [tenant] not configured

This issue turned out to be a logic error in my application not a database configuration issue. I was forced to deviate from Ashok's article on Medium [][1] since the Hyn\Multi-Tenant package no longer supports the customer model.

After developing my own client model, and extending the existing Website and Hostname models to interact with the client model, I had to re-write the tenant:create command. In this, I created websites and hostnames directly from their extended models, rather than via the repositories as per the Hyn documentation (copied below)

Tenancy is heavily driven by events. For event listeners to properly work, you have to use the repositories to create new websites and hostnames. use Hyn\Tenancy\Models\Website; use Hyn\Tenancy\Contracts\Repositories\WebsiteRepository;

$website = new Website;

$hostname = new Hostname;
$hostname->fqdn = '';
app(HostnameRepository::class)->attach($hostname, $website);

Creating via the repositories resolved the:

Database [tenant] not configured
