How to separate IDs into different rows using R

We may use separate_rows with a regex lookaround - i.e. split at the ; followed by a space ( ) that succeeds a closing bracket (]) and before an upper case letter

separate_rows(df1, NEW.ID, sep = "(?<=\\]); (?=[A-Z])")


# A tibble: 5 × 1
1 P02538 [551-559]                           
2 P04259 [551-559]                           
3 A0A0B4J2F2 1xPhospho [T473]                
4 Q8IVF2 1xPhospho [S1253]; 1xPhospho [S1748]
5 A0A1B0GX95 2xPhospho [S24; S26]          


df1 <- structure(list(NEW.ID = c("P02538 [551-559]; P04259 [551-559]", 
"A0A0B4J2F2 1xPhospho [T473]", "Q8IVF2 1xPhospho [S1253]; 1xPhospho [S1748]", 
"A0A1B0GX95 2xPhospho [S24; S26]")), class = "data.frame", 
row.names = c(NA, 