Replace objects in json with their sum using JQ

Solution 1:

This solution aggregates into the first items within each duplicate list (which is not obvious from your sample data, see the comments).

group_by groups the items to aggregate, which is determined by a .Status greater 1 and the content of .Action. Then, with map each grouped list's first (.[0]) item's .Count field is calculated by adding up all .Count fields' values. The output within each group is the first (.[0]) element.

jq '
  group_by([(.Status | tonumber > 1), .Action])
  | map(.[0].Count = (map(.Count | tonumber) | add | tostring) | .[0])
    "Count": "226",
    "Action": "1",
    "Status": "1",
    "Client": "26"
    "Count": "233",
    "Action": "2",
    "Status": "1",
    "Client": "26"
    "Count": "227",
    "Action": "1",
    "Status": "2",
    "Client": "26"
    "Count": "7",
    "Action": "2",
    "Status": "2",
    "Client": "26"


As .Status and .Count are strings, not numbers, it was necessary to convert them back and forth using tonumber and tostring. You may want to, especially if you have more calculations to process, first convert them into numbers, then do all the (now simpler) processing, and finally convert them back (if necessary).

jq '
  map((.Status, .Count) |= tonumber)
  | group_by([(.Status > 1), .Action])
  | map(.[0].Count = (map(.Count) | add) | .[0])
  | map((.Status, .Count) |= tostring)
