Why ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')?

Solution 1:

It can be because expertList is not available when the component load. Do you fetch that value through HTTP or something?. If so you can do three things.

On your component's constructor, initialize the expertList variable with an empty array. expertList = []

You can have a variable isLoad that starts with false on the constructor and when the fetch end, becomes true. This variable should be used on the HTML.

<div *ngIf="isLoad">
    <i class="fas fa-brain"></i>
    <span>Skills: </span>
    <div id="Expert" *ngIf="expertList.length > 0">
      <span *ngFor="let skill of expertList">

Or you can just check that expertList is not undefined (with the ?).

 <div id="Expert" *ngIf="expertList?.length > 0">
      <span *ngFor="let skill of expertList">

Solution 2:

The error message

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

tells you that, at one point in time, the value of expertList is undefined.

So, we can only assume but the probability is high that the value of expertList is loaded via an asynchronous call. That means as long as the call hasn't returned, the value of expertList stays undefined.

To get rid of the error you need to adjust the condition in your *ngIf.

<div id="Expert" *ngIf="expertList?.length > 0">

By adding a ? the execution of the expression is stopped if a null or undefined value occurs, so the error message does not occur anymore. This is called optional chaining.