Join eloquent collection with result of procedure

According to most of the answers here: How can I join on a stored procedure? Using a Stored Procedure (SP) for joins is not really a viable strategy.

You're better off inlining the SP as a subquery, or use a function.

$measures = DB::query()
    ->select('.... as car_id', '.... as measure') // use DB::raw() or selectRaw() if the expressions contain functions, aggregate values or computed values
    .... // no ->get();

$cars = Car::with(['model'])
    ->joinSub($measures, 'measures', function ($join) {
        $join->on('', '=', 'measures.car_id');

Last time I checked, Laravel had a bit of an issue with SP, where you needed to pass some specific options to the underlying PDO instance to make it work.

If you use this a lot throughout your code and want to avoid repeating the code over and over, I think you can make a query builder macro for the subquery.