Where can I get NPM package information from a Github Repository?

  • Determine the URL for the raw content of the package.json file of interest:

    • E.g., for the json5 package, click on the Repository link to go to the associated GitHub repository, navigate to the package.json file and click on the Raw button to get the raw URL.
  • Then use Invoke-RestMethod with the raw URL to retrieve and parse the content of the package's package.json file into an object whose properties you can access (the for-display output below shows the properties in the left column, and their values to the right - note the dependencies / devDependencies properties denoting what other packages the package at hand depends on at runtime / design time):

PS> Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/json5/json5/master/package.json

name            : json5
version         : 2.2.0
description     : JSON for humans.
main            : lib/index.js
module          : dist/index.mjs
bin             : lib/cli.js
browser         : dist/index.js
types           : lib/index.d.ts
files           : {lib/, dist/}
engines         : @{node=>=6}
scripts         : @{build=rollup -c; build-package=node build/package.js; build-unicode=node build/unicode.js; coverage=tap --coverage-report html test; lint=eslint --fix .; prepublishOnly=npm run production; preversion=npm run production; production=npm run lint && npm test && npm run build; test=tap -Rspec --100 test; version=npm run build-package && git add package.json5}
repository      : @{type=git; url=git+https://github.com/json5/json5.git}
keywords        : {json, json5, es5, es2015…}
author          : Aseem Kishore <[email protected]>
contributors    : {Max Nanasy <[email protected]>, Andrew Eisenberg <[email protected]>, Jordan Tucker <[email protected]>}
license         : MIT
bugs            : @{url=https://github.com/json5/json5/issues}
homepage        : http://json5.org/
dependencies    : @{minimist=^1.2.5}
devDependencies : @{core-js=^2.6.5; eslint=^5.15.3; eslint-config-standard=^12.0.0; eslint-plugin-import=^2.16.0; eslint-plugin-node=^8.0.1; eslint-plugin-promise=^4.0.1; eslint-plugin-standard=^4.0.0; regenerate=^1.4.0; rollup=^0.64.1; rollup-plugin-buble=^0.19.6; rollup-plugin-commonjs=^9.2.1; rollup-plugin-node-resolve=^3.4.0; rollup-plugin-terser=^1.0.1; sinon=^6.3.5; tap=^12.6.0; unicode-10.0.0=^0.7.5}

Deriving the URLs programmatically:

# Package name.
$npmPackageName = 'json5'

# Derive the package's npm registry URL
$npmUrl = "https://www.npmjs.com/package/$npmPackageName"

# Derive the associated API URL
$npmApiUrl = $npmUrl -replace '(?<=/)www(?=.)', 'replicate' -replace '/package'

# Derive the source-code repository URL
$repoUrl = Invoke-RestMethod $npmApiUrl |
  ForEach-Object { $_.repository.url.Substring($_.repository.type.Length+1) }

# Assuming the source-code repository is a GitHub URL, 
# derive the *raw* URL from it, from which files can be downloaded
# as-is. 
$rawGitHubUrl= 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' + ($repoUrl -replace '\.git$' -replace '^https://github\.com/')

# Derive the raw URL for the package.json file.
$rawPackageJsonUrl = "$rawGitHubUrl/master/package.json"

# Parse the package.json file's JSON content into an object
$objectFromPackageJson = Invoke-RestMethod $rawPackageJsonUrl

# Output an example property.