Speeding up python when using nested for and if loops

I have a csv file that has a column called "Authors". In that column, each row has a couple of authors separated by commas. In the code below the function, getAuthorNames gets all the author names in that column and returns an array with all their names.

Then the function authCount counts how many times an individual name appears in the Author column. At first, I was doing it with a couple of hundred rows and had no issues. Now I am trying to do it with 20,000 rows+ and it has taken a couple of hours and still no results. I believe it is the nested for loops and if statement that is causing it to take so long. Any advice on how to speed up the process would help. Should I be using lambda? Is there a built it pandas function that could help?

This is what the input data looks like:

XXX,"Wang J, Wang H",XXX
XXX,"Wang J,Han H",XXX

And this is what the output would look like

Wang J,2
Wang H,1
Han H,1

Here is the code:

    import pandas as pd

    df = pd.read_csv (r'C:\Users\amos.epelman\Desktop\Pubmedpull3GC.csv')

    def getAuthorNames(dataFrame):
        arrayOfAuthors = []
        numRows = dataFrame.shape[0]

        cleanDF = dataFrame.fillna("0")

        for i in range (0,numRows):
            miniArray = cleanDF.at[i,"Authors"].split(",")
            arrayOfAuthors += miniArray
        return arrayOfAuthors

    def authCount(dataFrame):
        authArray = getAuthorNames(dataFrame)
        numAuthors = len(authArray)
        countOfAuth = [0] * numAuthors

        newDF = pd.DataFrame({"Author Name": authArray, "Count": countOfAuth})
        refDF = dataFrame.fillna("0")

        numRows= refDF.shape[0]

        for i in range (0,numAuthors):
            for j in range (0,numRows):
                if newDF.at[i, "Author Name"] in refDF.at[j,"Authors"]:
                    newDF.at[i,"Count"] += 1
        sortedDF = newDF.sort_values(["Count"], ascending = False)

        noDupsDF = sortedDF.drop_duplicates(subset ="Author Name", keep = False)

        return noDupsDF

    finalDF = authCount(df)
    file_name = 'GC Pubmed Pull3 Author Names with Count.xlsx'

Solution 1:

you could try using Counter and a lambda function to eliminate your nested for loop over two dataframes, which seems like it would be a slow way to add a new column

from collections import Counter

Then to get the "Counts" column

author_counts = Counter(list(refDF["Authors"]))

newDF["Count"] = newDF.apply(lambda r: author_counts[r["Author Name"]], axis=1)

Solution 2:

You can do this with the csv reader and collections Counter classes from Python's standard library.

I made a sample CSV with 20K rows of randomly generated names like you described, random_names.csv:

"Darnel D, Blythe B"
"Wang H, Darnel D, Alice A"
"Wang J, Wang H, Darnel D, Blythe B"
"Han H, Wang J"
"Clarice C, Wang H, Darnel D, Alice A"
"Clarice C, Han H, Blythe B, Wang J"
"Clarice C, Darnel D, Blythe B"
"Clarice C, Wang H, Blythe B"
"Blythe B, Wang J, Darnel D"

My code doesn't sort, but points out where to insert your sorting. This ran in under a second (on my M1 Macbook Air):

import csv
from collections import Counter

author_counts = Counter()

with open('random_names.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    next(reader)  # discard header

    for row in reader:
        authors = row[0]  # !! adjust for your data
        for author in authors.split(','):

# Sort here

with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

It printed out this debug line:

dict_items([('Darnel D', 10690), ('Blythe B', 10645), ('Wang H', 10881), ('Alice A', 10750), ('Wang J', 10613), ('Han H', 10814), ('Clarice C', 10724)])

and saved that as output.csv:

Darnel D,10690
Blythe B,10645
Wang H,10881
Alice A,10750
Wang J,10613
Han H,10814
Clarice C,10724