(GCP) ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) INVALID_ARGUMENT: could not resolve source: googleapi: Error 403: [email protected]

Solution 1:

Did you find the message below at the end of the message of 2nd step?:

Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? (y/N)? y

As the message says, it takes a few minutes after enabling "API [cloudbuild.googleapis.com]" by running "y".

So run the command again a few minutes after enabling "API [cloudbuild.googleapis.com]" by running "y":

gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/my_project_id/hello_world

Then, it will be successful:

ID: f4478e51-557b-407d-9c30-c379ef707258 CREATE_TIME: 2022-01-14T05:22:29+00:00 DURATION: 19S SOURCE: gs://my_project_id_cloudbuild/source/1642137748.745566-d75b61b6c6bc4acb9aba900650f201b2.tgz IMAGES: gcr.io/my_project_id/hello_world(+1 more) STATUS: SUCCESS