(Discord selfbot) Is there anyway to response if 'hi' in someone message

Solution 1:

Which library are you using?

I made a discord bot with discord.js (Javascript), and with that you can receive an event every time someone talks in your discord server and then respond depending on the contents of the message.

First you start your discord client (the Intents may vary depending on what you want to do):

     const discordClient =  new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGES, Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES] })

Then the idea is to get the content of every new message and answer properly, once you have created your discord client, you will need to set up an event listener like this one:

    discordClient.on('messageCreate', message => {
        const content = messageReceived.content.toLocaleLowerCase()
        if (content === 'hi') {
            messageReceived.channel.send("hello, I'm a bot!")

And don't forget to login with your discord bot key

    const discordKey = "YOUR DISCORD BOT KEY"

You can also see the repository for my bot here.

And for your use case you would want to mainly focus on some parts insid discord.ts.

Hopefully this helps.