Can I put a frame into another frame which has already been put into a form?

Some background

The main purpose of frames is to have ready made drop-in component assemblies. That is, component assemblies, that usually do not require changes in layout, when instantiated.

Although redesign of an instantiated frame is not prevented, it is not advisable. At least consider this carefully:

  1. If you do modify an instantiated frame, those changes are not carried over to the design of the source frame.

  2. If you do modify a source frame design, those changes are carried over to instances of the frame.

The following answers your question:

Frames can be nested, IOW, a frame can be a component of another frame, but they must be combined at the design of the parent frame. Frames can not be combined in a parent - child manner at design time of a form.

As the other answer shows, frames can be combined in a parent - child manner at run time.