How do I modify movement speed while attacking?

I hate all that "skittering" during combat?

I'm looking for a way to modify movements speed while attacking or casting, similar to the way mods like Deadly Combat do. I would like to make characters still if casting or attacking.

Does anyone know how to achieve that?

I'm fine with creation kit btw. I've made a few simple mods for myself!

Solution 1:

I believe the only way to accomplish this is to modify the speedmult av during an attack/cast animation. The best, and perhaps only, way to do that is through modding. There are no mods currently available for Skyrim for this purpose, so you're going to have to figure it out for yourself.

Keep in mind, if you set speedmult to 0 when attacking, you may eliminate the ability to perform charging attacks.

If you need assistance determining how to achieve something like this through modding, I recommend asking around one of the Skyrim modding communities, Nexus being one of the most active and well-respected.