'No frame for given id found' in puppetter

i am using puppetter for web scrapping ; matchesLinks is an array that contains urls of some games. my code looks like :

for (let i = 0; i < matchesLinks.length; i++) {
   await page.goto(matchesLinks[i]);
   await page.goto(matchesLinks[i]);
   await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 6000));

after going to 1 or 2 URL i get error: originalMessage: 'No frame for given id found' anyone can help my why i am getting this error

I have been trying to solve the issue since 3 days now.. no luck at all.. Though the issue disappears completely if you set "headless: true" at browser's launch options.. So this issue is only associated with "headless: false" setting.

For those who try to help. The issue happens when using "page.goto" to access a website that have iframes, and redirect requests (Trying to abort those requests, or waituntil domcontentloaded won't solve the issue if you were wondering). E.g. it happens every time when trying to access "https://www.whatismyip.com/"