Android sdkmanager not found. Update to the latest Android SDK and ensure that the cmdline-tools are installed to resolve this

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Open Preferences
  3. Appearances tab on the left
  4. System Settings
  5. Android SDKenter image description here
  6. Click Show Package details
  7. Toggle SDK Tools
  8. Apply and restart Android Studio
  9. Run flutter doctor

Open Android Studio, Tools Menu, SDK Manager. In the window that comes up there are inner panels, choose SDK Tools panel. Tick Android SDK Command-line Tools. Choose Apply button near the bottom of the window.

If you're using the command line tool without android studio been installed todevelop mobile app here's a way around this issue I was able to resolve it.

enter image description here

First check if there are packages to be updated

sdkmanager --list

if there are then run the command below ensure you've good internet connection and power

sdkmanager --update

Next run

sdkmanager --install "cmdline-tools;latest"

Next run the command below and the error will not be there again.

flutter doctor --android-licenses

flutter doctor 

and you're good to go!!! enter image description here