Navigate on React router dom v6 loop problem

From what I could see you had an issue with absolute linking. Converting to relative linking seems to resolve looping issue. Either approach should work, but without digging deeper into your configs here's what worked for me.

views/index.js - append the wildcard * to the path so nested routes can be matched and rendered.

export const Views = (props) => {
  const { token } = props;
  return (
        <Route path={`${AUTH_PREFIX_PATH}/*`} element={<AuthLayout />} />
            <RouteInterceptor isAuthenticated={token} element={<AppLayout />} />

views/auth-views/index.js - Use relative routing, i.e. remove the AUTH_PREFIX_PATH prefixing.

const Login = React.lazy(() => import("./login"));

export const AppViews = () => {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading...</p>}>
        <Route path={"login"} element={<Login />} />
        <Route path="/*" element={<Navigate to="login" replace />} />

Forked codesandbox from your github repo

Edit navigate-on-react-router-dom-v6-loop-problem

Try this approach this works

const Login = React.lazy(() => import("./login"));
import {useNavigate} from "react-router-dom";

export const AppViews = () => {
  const navigate = useNavigate();
  const Navigator = () =>{

  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading...</p>}>
      <Route path={`${AUTH_PREFIX_PATH}/login`} element={<Login />} />

export default AppViews;