Nested dictionary sum all values

I have a seemingly easy problem, but can't solve it.

Dictionary = {
    'own': {
        'Dun Morogh': {
            'Horde': {
                'chars': {
                    'Qiidu': {
                        'auction': 1
        'Tirion': {
            'Alliance': {
                'chars': {
                    'Qiip': {
                        'auction': 1
        'Proudmoore': {
            'Alliance': {
                'chars': {
                    'Qiip': {
                        'mail': 1
    'name': u'Rascal-Bot'

This is the format I have my dictionary in and I want to loop through it, sum all the integers in it and return it.

My code:

def findTotal(self, dct):
    for key, value in dct.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, int):
            print key, value
        if isinstance(value, dict):

This works on 'printing', but how would I adjust it to 'summing up'?

You can add a sum variable to keep track of the sum, and have your function return that value. The recursive calls will add up the "sub-sums" and return them to their callers, who will add them to their totals, until you're back to the first call, and the grand total.

def findTotal(self, dct):
    total = 0
    for key, value in dct.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, int):
            total += value
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            total += self.findTotal(value)
    return total