Problem with events in BLoC Flutter. I always call two events instead of one

This is the culprit:

abstract class TodoState extends Equatable {
  const TodoState();

  List<Object> get props => [];

You are extending Equatable in TodoState and passing an empty list to props. When other states such as TodoLoadedState extend TodoState they inherit Equatable as well and the empty props.

If you're using Equatable make sure to pass all properties to the props getter.

This is from bloc faq. Right now all instances of your TodoLoadedState are considered equal. Doesn't matter if you have a TodoLoadedState with hundreds of loadedUser or a TodoLoadedState with none. They are both considered equal and only the first time you pass a new TodoLoadedState the BlocBuilder will update. The consequent ones have no effect since BlocBuilder thinks it is the same as previous one. The reason your LoadTodos event causes a rebuild is that first you emit TodoLoadingState() and then in case of success TodoLoadedState(loadedUser: _loadedTodoList). This alternating between two different states makes it work.

So either don't use Equatable or make sure to pass all the properties to props.

class TodoLoadedState extends TodoState {
  final List<dynamic> loadedUser;

  TodoLoadedState({required this.loadedUser});
  List<Object?> get props => [loadedUser];