JS - data manipulation on array of objects with property that contains array

Example array -

    const arr = [
        charge: [ { id: '1', qty: 10 }, { id: '2', qty: 20 } ],
        totalCharge: 100,
        qtySum: 50
        charge: [ { id: '3', qty: 30 }, { id: '4', qty: 40 } ],
        totalCharge: 70,
        qtySum: 100

The math actions - (qty * totalCharge) / qtySum

Output (not real numbers) -

        id: '1',
        calcQty: 300,
        id: '2',
        calcQty: 250,
        id: '3',
        calcQty: 300
        id: '4',
        calcQty: 400

What I could not understand how to do is to separate the charge and only then do the math I need. Because I need to use the same totalCharge and qtySum each time based on how many organs are in the charge field, would love to get some help

You can use a combination of map and flat.

const arr = [
    charge: [
      { id: "1", qty: 10 },
      { id: "2", qty: 20 },
    totalCharge: 100,
    qtySum: 50,
    charge: [
      { id: "3", qty: 30 },
      { id: "4", qty: 40 },
    totalCharge: 70,
    qtySum: 100,

const res = arr
  .map(({ charge, totalCharge, qtySum }) =>
    charge.map(({ id, qty, stySum }) => ({
      calcQty: (totalCharge * qty) / qtySum,


You can use forEach twice to get the math action done.

Try like below.

const arr = [
    charge: [
      { id: "1", qty: 10 },
      { id: "2", qty: 20 },
    totalCharge: 100,
    qtySum: 50,
    charge: [
      { id: "3", qty: 30 },
      { id: "4", qty: 40 },
    totalCharge: 70,
    qtySum: 100,

const output = [];

arr.forEach(({ charge, totalCharge, qtySum }) => {
  charge.forEach(({ id, qty }) => {
    output.push({ id, calcQty: (qty * totalCharge) / qtySum });


You could map nested arrays and get a flat result.

    array = [{ charge: [{ id: '1', qty: 10 }, { id: '2', qty: 20 }], totalCharge: 100, qtySum: 50 }, { charge: [{ id: '3', qty: 30 }, { id: '4', qty: 40 }], totalCharge: 70, qtySum: 100 }],
    result = array.flatMap(({ charge, totalCharge, qtySum }) =>
        charge.map(({ id, qty }) => ({
            calcQty: qty * totalCharge / qtySum

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