Nextjs environment variables not working in js pages

I am creating a nextjs website. In my js file, I am fetching API data and I am assigning the token via .env.local file. But when i tried to access .env variable that I have created, it's not returning anything. I mean, it returns empty/undefined.
My js file code:

export async function getStaticProps() {
    const response = await fetch(`https:/${process.env.PRAISES_TOKEN}`);
    const body = await response.json();
    return {
        props: {
            naats: body



My nextjs project version is 12.
In my git bash, it returns like this, no value of variable:

Update: The thing i have figured out is that when i assign any token/hash to env variable, then variable returns undefined. If i assign https url then variable works fine. So, i though to assign full url with token like, but it doesn't work and returns undefined. Variable only works with https url values but without parameters. This is strange.

Can someone please help me with this issue? I don't wanna expose my token/api_token to browser/public.

Next.js will automatically expand variables $VAR inside of your .env* files, so you need to escape $ signs with \, so if you token is $abcd$ef it should look like that: PRAISES_TOKEN=\$abcd\$ef

It is also good idea to wrap value with " quotes, because tokens also usually have other symbols like = and etc:


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