How to fix message spam from usbmuxd in console (_SendDetachNotification/_SendAttachNotification)

My console is flooded with messages like these:

11.01.12 21:21:39,819 _SendDetachNotification (thread 0x7fff7f6cb960): sending detach for device d0:23:db:3e:0b:82@fe80::d223:dbff:fe3e:b82._apple-mobdev._tcp.local.: _BrowseReplyReceivedCallback got bonjour removal.
11.01.12 21:21:46,596 _SendAttachNotification (thread 0x7fff7f6cb960): sending attach for device d0:23:db:3e:0b:82@fe80::d223:dbff:fe3e:b82._apple-mobdev._tcp.local.: _GetAddrInfoReplyReceivedCallback matched.
11.01.12 21:21:46,729 usbmuxd: _AMDeviceConnectByAddressAndPort (thread 0x100781000): IPv4

They always happen in this combination of three messages and around every 10-30seconds

Any suggestions where this is coming from and how to fix/disable it?

Edit: (additional Infos)
Ok it seems to be originating from my iPhone (MAC d0:23:db:3e:0b:82)...

There are no Wifi-Printers or anything like that in the Network.
And the Messages are still there when all USB Devices are disconnected.

This seems to be coming from iPhone Wifi-Sync, is there any way to get rid of this spam without diabling Wifi-Sync for the phone?

Solution 1:

Open Console and highlight the usbmuxd spam, then click [ignore sender] in the toolbar:


To re-enable usbmuxd spam, click the [^] symbol in the lower bottom left corner then (x):


This will allow you to safely ignore any Console spam you would like without actually disabling anything other than the message that you see in Console.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem and quitting duet (the app to use the iPhone as a Mac display) fixed the problem.

Solution 3:

You can always edit your /etc/syslog.conf file to send messages from usbmuxd to their own private log file. If you never want to see them, send it to /dev/null.

Solution 4:

What is also interesting is that this is last entry I see in the console before my Mac hangs (well it's the last entry I see before the reboot messages). Could be a coincidence, of course, because there are so many of these messages. I've tried disabling usbmuxd to see if it is relating to the hanging problem.

I moved /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ to ~/Documents and restarted. You can move it back and restart to get it running again.

Solution 5:

The _apple-mobdev._tcp.local. is an mDNS message (aka bonjour) and is being broadcast on your network from an iPhone.

You can see it being broadcast on your network by running:

dns-sd -B _apple-mobdev

on any Mac. It is the iPhone advertising it can be attached to.