Python Virtualenv not creating the new environment in the directory I am

First of all, to put in context:

  • I have installed Python 3.9 which comes from Visual Studio 2019

  • I have installed Python 3.8 from Microsoft Store which installs it in the path:


Now I want to create a virtual environment for Python 3.8 so I can switch to it whenever I need. So I follow below steps (below commands are all executed from path C:\Users\username\AppData\Local):

  1. Installing virtualenv:

    py -3.8 -m pip install virtualenv

enter image description here

  1. Creating new virtual environment for Python 3.8:

    py -3.8 -m virtualenv _venv38.win32

enter image description here

And what's the surprise? Folder _venv38.win32 is not created within the directory I am which is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local

Instead _venv38.win32 is created in:


So why? I want it to be created in:


which is the path from where I have executed the command (step 2)


py -3.8 -m venv _venv38.win32

this will create venv at cwd.

virtualenv has a custom "remote" location for virtual environments somewhere outside your project