measure() may not be called multiple times on the same Measurable

I am creating an app that uses Flickr api to fetch images page by page using Pager 3 library and show it on the screen using Jetpack Compose. All works fine until it will load 4-5 pages (looks like it is floating).

I receive an error:

Process: com.peterstaranchuk.flickrclient, PID: 9843
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: measure() may not be called multiple times on the same Measurable
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.OuterMeasurablePlaceable.remeasure-BRTryo0(OuterMeasurablePlaceable.kt:86)
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.remeasure-_Sx5XlM$ui_release(LayoutNode.kt:1236)
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.remeasure-_Sx5XlM$ui_release$default(LayoutNode.kt:1232)
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.doRemeasure-0kLqBqw(MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.kt:171)
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.access$doRemeasure-0kLqBqw(MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.kt:38)
        at androidx.compose.ui.node.MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.measureAndLayout(MeasureAndLayoutDelegate.kt:207)
        at androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeView.onMeasure(
        at android.view.View.measure(

it not points to some place on my code and it's looks like it is related with the Jetpack compose measurement.

I checked all available info and didn't find an answer. May be someone has the same problem? Would be very appreciate for any clue.

My view model:

class SearchViewModel(
    private val interactor: SearchInteractor,
    private val photosPresentationMapper: PhotoPresentationMapper,
    eventSender: ScreenEventSender<SearchContract.Event>,
    dispatchers: DispatchersProvider
) : BaseViewModel<SearchContract.Event>(eventSender, dispatchers) {

    fun observePhotos(): Flow<PagingData<PhotoPresentation>> {
        return interactor.getPagedPhotos("nature")
            .catch { /*todo handle error state */
                Log.d("", it.message.toString())
            .map {

Screen composable:

    fun ScreenContent() {
        val lazyPhotoItems: LazyPagingItems<PhotoPresentation> = vm.observePhotos().collectAsLazyPagingItems()

        Column {
                modifier = Modifier
                    .background(Color(ContextCompat.getColor(LocalContext.current, R.color.black60transparency)))
            ) {
                    modifier = Modifier
                        .background(colorResource(id = R.color.search_field_background_color)),
                    verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
                    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
                ) {
                        painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_search_image),
                        contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.search_screen_magnifier_icon_content_description),
                        tint = Color.White
                        modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 8.dp, bottom = 8.dp, start = 4.dp),
                        text = stringResource(R.string.search_screen_search_field_text),
                        fontSize = 12.sp,

                        color = colorResource(id = R.color.search_field_text_color),
                        fontFamily = getFont(R.font.nunito_sans_extra_bold)

            LazyColumn (content = {
                items(lazyPhotoItems.itemCount, {
                }) { index ->
            }, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize())

I use:

    implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime:$paging_version"
    implementation "androidx.paging:paging-compose:$paging_compose_version"

with the versions:

    compose_version = '1.0.1'
    paging_compose_version = "1.0.0-alpha12"

I recommend you to add .cachedIn(viewModelScope) Look at comment // Here

fun observePhotos(): Flow<PagingData<PhotoPresentation>> {
            return interactor.getPagedPhotos("nature")
                .cachedIn(viewModelScope) // Here
                .catch { /*todo handle error state */
                    Log.d("", it.message.toString())
                .map {

I had exactly the same error and it seems like it is related with this bug.

So fix was just to update jetpack compose to 1.1.0-rc01 version