table stores has two columns like store_id and products. Write a SQL query to find store_ids which sell only shampoo and biscuit

Store should sell only two products and that too only shampoo and biscuit

For example
enter image description here

enter image description here

my query: -

FROM (SELECT store_id AS gp_str
      FROM (SELECT store_id,
                   COUNT(product) AS prd_cnt
            FROM stores
            GROUP BY store_id) x
      WHERE x.prd_cnt = 2) y
     LEFT JOIN stores ON y.gp_str = stores.store_id;

My query gave me result of stores which sell only two products but I wanted stores which sell two products which are shampoo and biscuit only.

SELECT store_id
FROM stores
GROUP BY store_id
    AND COUNT(*) = SUM(CASE WHEN product IN ('shampoo','biscuit') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END);