Solution 1:

I think the clearest way to do what you want here would be to map to a new array instead of mutating the old one:

const arrayEvenItemIncrement = myArray =>, i) => i % 2 === 1 ? val : val + 1);

If you have to mutate the existing array, it gets significantly uglier.

const arrayEvenItemIncrement = myArray => (
  myArray.forEach((val, i) => { if (i % 2 === 0) myArray[i]++; }), myArray);


const arrayEvenItemIncrement = myArray => {
  myArray.forEach((val, i) => { if (i % 2 === 0) myArray[i]++; }); return myArray };

But I wouldn't recommend that - put it on multiple lines instead.

You can technically squeeze any JS code into a single line, but past simple manipulations, it usually isn't a good idea because it sacrifices readability, which is far more important than reducing LoC. Professional, maintainable code is not a golfing competition.