Class issue python

I'm trying to learn more about objects, and from what I understood, self doesn't take any value. Why does this method asks for another argument when I try to call it? Thanks.

class School:
        def __init__(self):
            self.roster =  []
            self.dicti = {1:[],
        def add_student(self,name,grade):
            if name in self.dicti[grade]:
                raise ValueError("The student is already added to the grade")
    x = School

You need to instantiate the class. In your penultimate line:

x = School()

Without the paranthesis, x is just a reference to School. You need to "call" School() to construct and initialise an object and assign it to x.

What is happening under the hood is that when you have an object of the class, self is automatically replaced with a reference to the object. Without instantiating the class, this cannot be done, therefore python asks you to provide another argument to take the position of self.