How to get Bigram/Trigram of word from prelisted unigram from a document corpus / dataframe column

Solution 1:

First, you can optioanlly load the nltk's stop word list and remove any stop words from the text (such as "is", "its", "in", and "and"). Alternatively, you can define your own stop words list, as well as even extend the nltk's list with additional words. Following, you can use nltk.bigrams() and nltk.trigrams() methods to get bigrams and trigrams joined with an underscore _, as you asked. Also, have a look at Collocations.

Edit: If you haven't already, you need to include the following once in your code, in order to download the stop words list.'stopwords')


import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

word_data = "coca cola is expanding its business in soft drinks and aerated water"
#word_data = "lime soda is the best selling item in fast food stores"

# load nltk's stop word list
stop_words = list(stopwords.words('english'))
# extend the stop words list
#stop_words.extend(["best", "selling", "item", "fast"])

# tokenise the string and remove stop words
word_tokens = word_tokenize(word_data)
clean_word_data = [w for w in word_tokens if not w.lower() in stop_words]
# get bigrams
bigrams_list = ["_".join(item) for item in nltk.bigrams(clean_word_data)]

# get trigrams 
trigrams_list = ["_".join(item) for item in nltk.trigrams(clean_word_data)]


Once you get the bigram and trigram lists, you can check for matches against your keyword list to keep only the relevant ones.

keywordlist = ['coca' , 'food', 'soft', 'aerated', 'soda']

def find_matches(n_grams_list):
    matches = []
    for k in keywordlist:
        matching_list = [s for s in n_grams_list if k in s]
        [matches.append(m) for m in matching_list if m not in matches]
    return matches

all_matching_bigrams = find_matches(bigrams_list) # find all mathcing bigrams  
all_matching_trigrams = find_matches(trigrams_list) # find all mathcing trigrams

# join the two lists
all_matches = all_matching_bigrams + all_matching_trigrams


['coca_cola', 'business_soft', 'soft_drinks', 'drinks_aerated', 'aerated_water', 'coca_cola_expanding', 'expanding_business_soft', 'business_soft_drinks', 'soft_drinks_aerated', 'drinks_aerated_water']