Command unblocker
I have this cog blocker that puts a guild id and the command blocked in a .json file. When the command is used, it will check to see if this information is in the .json file, if it is, it will not run the command. Although, I do not know how to make it so it takes out the command or guild id so the command can be used again. Please help!
async def block(self, ctx, cmd: str):
with open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + f'/json/data.json','r+') as f:
if not str( in data:
data.update({str( []})
if cmd not in data[str(]:
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description=f'{} has banned the command **{cmd}**',color=65535))
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description=f'{} **{cmd}** is already banned', color=65535))
self.write("data", data)
If you can give me the code, that would be greatly appreciated.
Ok so you can remove the guild id simply by
# Do a if id in data.keys() b4 to make sure there wont be a KeyError
with open('json/data.json','r+') as f: # u don't need the f"" or __file__
data = json.load(f)
del data[str(]
# save json do bomb stuff
Now deleting a specific command
#Load json like the previous snippet
if cmd in data[str(]:
del data[str(][data[str(].index(cmd)]
#save json
and its also advisable to use a db instead of json(its very useful for seldom changed data) but if its a small project json would do fine