Loop the removal of pandas dataframe rows

Solution 1:

You can use a boolean mask to slice your data. If your df['time'] is datetime.time objects, then you can slice df simply as:

out = df[df['time'] > datetime.time(4,30)]


  ticker        date      time  vol    vwap  open  high  low  close
5   AACG  2022-01-06  04:31:00  700  2.1098   2.1  2.11  2.1   2.11

Solution 2:

Don't loop but slice. You can use a mask for that (here generated with a boolean array and cummax):



  ticker        date      time  vol    vwap  open  high   low  close
4   AACG  2022-01-06  04:30:00  237  2.0584  2.06  2.06  2.06   2.06
5   AACG  2022-01-06  04:31:00  700  2.1098  2.10  2.11  2.10   2.11

If you also want to exclude the matching row:
