C# class member function pointer and c++ this->*func

You could create another delegate that takes ModbusData and MBSFrame which is not bound to a specified target and pass the current instance to it.

public delegate void ModDataFunc(MBSFrame Frame);
private delegate void StaticModDataFunc(ModbusData ths, MBSFrame Frame);

private bool ScannAll(StaticModDataFunc func, MBSFrame Frame)
  if (Frame.MatchAddress(MyBaseAddr, MySize))
    func(this, Frame);
    RaiseValueReadEvent(Frame.DataAddress, Frame.DataCount);
    return true;
    if (NextData != null)
      return NextData.ScannAll(func, Frame);
    return false;

public bool ScannAll(ModDataFunc func, MBSFrame Frame)
  return ScannAll(func.Method.CreateDelegate<StaticModDataFunc>(), Frame);