How to convert InputStream to JsonArray Object using Java

I'm trying to convert InputStream to JSON Array object but not getting the JSON object properly, please find my inputStream record below:

{"id":4,"productId":9949940,"data":"product data 1","productPrice":"653.90"}
{"id":5,"productId":4940404,"data":"product data 2","productPrice":"94.12"}

I'm getting extra commas for each item and for last record as well - please find the java code below. Can someone please help me to resolve this issue. Appreciated your help in advance. Thanks!

public void getProduct() {

    String bucketName = "myProductBucket";
    String key = "products/product-file";
            StringBuilder sb = null;
            JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            try(InputStream inputStream = s3Service.getObjectFromS3(bucketName, key);) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
                String line;
                while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

            } catch (IOException e) {



[{"id":4,"productId":9949940,"data":"product data 1","productPrice":"653.90"},,
{"id":5,"productId":4940404,"data":"product data 2","productPrice":"94.12"},]

Expected Output:

[{"id":4,"productId":9949940,"data":"product data 1","productPrice":"653.90"},
{"id":5,"productId":4940404,"data":"product data 2","productPrice":"94.12"}]

Solution 1:

AFAIU, this is expected, since Your JSON object is only partially valid.

Although it is not a valid JSON array either, it could be parsed into JSONArray after small modifications (mind the starting and closing brackets and a comma between the objects):

{"id":4,"productId":9949940,"data":"product data 1","productPrice":"653.90"},
{"id":5,"productId":4940404,"data":"product data 2","productPrice":"94.12"}

Or, alternatively, You could split the input into individual JSON objects by hand and parse them one by one.

Solution 2:

As per your Product details file, You are not having valid JSON array objects in file. So, It can not be possible to directly create JSONArray from the file.

What you can do is, Read the product lines one by one and Create JSONObject and convert it to the JSONArray. Please find below piece of code which can help.

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File("filepath")); //Read the file
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

while (s.hasNext()){
   JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(;
//jsonArray can be print by iterating through it.