i am completely newbie to Signal R Core. I would like to know the best practice how to notify client about event which has happened in my system. i have a real task which is following

I am subscribed to events call_begin and call_end when my eventHandler handles that events i would like to notify about them clients via signal r. So far i have done this via this code.

 private void  CallStartedEventHandler(CallData callData) 
        _callNotifierHub.NotifyAboutCallStartedOrEnded("call_started", callData.CallID);

    private void  CallEndedEventHandler(CallMetadata callMetadata) 
         _callNotifierHub.NotifyAboutCallStartedOrEnded("call_ended", callData.CallID);

And this is my hub code

 public class CallNotifierHub : Hub, ICallNotifierHub
    public async Task NotifyAboutCallStartedOrEnded(string message, long callId)
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("NotifyAboutCallEvent", message, callId);

And i am interested is this ok? Any suggestions?Would this eve n work???

Solution 1:

If you'd like to send message/notification to clients from outside a hub, to achieve it you can use the SignalR IHubContext. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
