Solution 1:

Indeed this can be done by carefully translating the corresponding Haskell counterparts. Although this introduces a lot of line noise, the implementation is quite close to the original:

// Encoding of higher kinded type F of T
public interface H<F, T> { }

public interface Functor<F, T> {
    <R> H<F, R> map(Function<T, R> f);

// newtype Fix f = Fix {unfix::f (Fix f)}
public static record Fix<F extends H<F, T> & Functor<F, T>, T>(F f) {
    public Functor<F, Fix<F, T>> unfix() {
        return (Functor<F, Fix<F, T>>) f;

// type Algebra f a = f a -> a
public interface Algebra<F, T> extends Function<H<F, T>, T> {}

 // cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a
 // cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . unfix
public static <F extends H<F, T> & Functor<F, T>, T> Function<Fix<F, T>, T> cata(Algebra<F, T> alg) {
    return fix -> alg.apply(fix.unfix().map(cata(alg)));

Amazingly this works and can be used to implement e.g. interpreters for expression algebras

// evalExprF :: Algebra ExprF Int
// evalExprF (Const n) = n
// evalExprF (Add m n) = m + n
// evalExprF (Mul m n) = m * n
public static class ExprAlg implements Algebra<Expr, Integer> {
    public Integer apply(H<Expr, Integer> hExpr) {
        return Expr.expr(hExpr).match(
            conzt -> conzt.n,
            add   -> add.t1 + add.t2,
            mul   -> mul.t1 * mul.t2);

Full working example in my GitHub repository.