Kotlin - Merge two data class

Solution 1:

First break down your problem. You can create a function for Data that creates a merged copy:

fun mergedWith(other: Data): Data {
    return copy(
        count = count + other.count,
        sub = when {
            sub == null && other.sub == null -> null
            else -> sub.orEmpty() + other.sub.orEmpty()

I recommend if possible that you use a non-nullable List for your sub parameter, and use emptyList() when there's nothing in it. This makes it simpler since there aren't two different ways to represent a lack of items and you won't have to deal with nullability:

data class Data(
    var key: String,
    var count: Long = 0,
    var sub: List<Data> = emptyList()
) {
    fun mergedWith(other: Data): Data {
        return copy(
            count = count + other.count,
            sub = sub + other.sub

Then you can split your list into ones that you want to consolidate vs. the rest. Then fold the consolidation list into a single data item and add them back together.

val consolidatedKeys = listOf("ALLOGENE THERAPEUTICS", "CELECTIS")
val (consolidatedValues, nonconsolidatedValues) = a.data.partition { it.key in consolidatedKeys }
val consolidatedData = when {
    consolidatedValues.isEmpty() -> emptyList()
    else -> listOf(consolidatedValues.fold(A.Data("STUB", 0), A.Data::mergedWith))
val result = A(consolidatedData + nonconsolidatedValues)