Bat file to copy Folders and Files

When the source is a directory, the xcopy command copies its contents rather than the whole directory. To copy the whole directory, you need to alter the destination accordingly:

xcopy /I /Y /S "%src_folder%\%%f" "%dst_folder%\%%f"

Note the /I option, that tells xcopy that the destination is not a file but a directory.

However, when the source is a single file, xcopy prompts you whether the destination is a file or directory when the destination does not yet exist, even when /I is provided (refer to this related post). Therefore, we have to determine what the source (%%f) is in advance and react adequately:

@echo off
rem // The quoted `set` syntax protects special characters:
set "src_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop"
set "dst_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\NewTestFolder"
set "file_list=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\Filelist.txt"

rem // Append `\*` to check a directory but not a file for existence:
if not exist "%dst_folder%\*" mkdir "%dst_folder%"
rem // Use `usebackq` option and quotation to permit spaces in file path:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%File_list%") do (
    rem // Check whether source is a directory:
    if exist "%src_folder%\%%f\*" (
        rem // Source is a directory, so copy it entirely:
        xcopy /I /Y /S "%src_folder%\%%f" "%dst_folder%\%%f"
    ) else (
        rem // Source is a file, or it does not exist:
        xcopy /Y /S "%src_folder%\%%f" "%dst_folder%\"

A bit simpler and more compact approach can be achieved when a destination file is pre-created, so the file/directory prompt does not appear:

@echo off
rem // The quoted `set` syntax protects special characters:
set "src_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop"
set "dst_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\NewTestFolder"
set "file_list=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\Filelist.txt"

rem // Append `\*` to check a directory but not a file for existence:
if not exist "%dst_folder%\*" mkdir "%dst_folder%"
rem // Use `usebackq` option and quotation to permit spaces in file path:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%File_list%") do (
    rem // Pre-create destination file when source is a file:
    if not exist "%src_folder%\%%f\*" > "%dst_folder%\%%f" rem/
    rem // No prompt appears even when source is a file:
    xcopy /I /Y /S "%src_folder%\%%f" "%dst_folder%\%%f"

The easiest approach is to use the /I option to cover the case when source is a directory and to auto-fill the file/directory prompt for the case source is a file, but this is locale-dependent (for instance, File and Directory for English systems, but Datei and Verzeichnis for German ones), so be careful:

@echo off
rem // The quoted `set` syntax protects special characters:
set "src_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop"
set "dst_folder=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\NewTestFolder"
set "file_list=C:\Users\P57949\Desktop\Filelist.txt"

rem // Append `\*` to check a directory but not a file for existence:
if not exist "%dst_folder%\*" mkdir "%dst_folder%"
rem // Use `usebackq` option and quotation to permit spaces in file path:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%File_list%") do (
    rem // The `/I` option copes for directories, `echo F` for files:
    rem echo F| xcopy /I /Y /S "%src_folder%\%%f" "%dst_folder%\%%f"

N. B.:
For all of the above, I assumed that the list file Filelist.txt contains pure file/directory names.