Import msg file with outlook Web [closed]

Is it possible to open a msg file with Outlook Web?

I have tried to upload the msg file to onenote, but i do not know how to put it into the Web Interface.

I just need a already prepared msg file from another person to save it as draft in my outlook web interface.

MSG files are not native to EWS. You can

  1. Parse the MSG files (no fun) and extract various MAPI properties one at a time and set them using EWS.
  2. Convert MSG files to MIME (EML) and then upload them using EWS. Keep in mind that MAPI-specific properties will be lost.
  3. Convert MSG files to the Fast Transfer Stream (FTS) format and upload them using the UploadItems EWS operation. FTS format, much like MSG, preserves MAPI specific properties. Note that FTS format is not documented.

One way or another, you will need to access the raw MSG files. Depending on the language you are using, there are some libraries that will let you parse MSG files (I have not used any of them). Outlook itself can access MSG files using Namespace.OpenSharedItem. Note that Outlook will create a temporary message in the default store (which may or may not be what you want). Also note that Outlook won't run in a Windows service.

If using Redemption is an option, it will let you open MSG files using RDOSession.GetMessageFromMsgFile (returns RDOMail object). It will let you access all MAPI properties using RDOMail.Fields[] (for #1), save in the MIME format (RDOMail.SaveAs(.., olMsg) (for #2)), or save in the FTS format (for #3) using RDOMail.SaveAs(..., olFTS)