How to loop through file to copy into s3 bucket

I have a file (file.txt) containing the absolute path

cat file.txt

#There are white space characters in the file name
/home/user/aws/doc/my doc 1.pdf
/home/user/aws/doc/my doc 2.pdf

for FILE in $(cat "${file.txt}"); do

        echo "${FILE}"

        /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp ${FILE} "${S3Path_Bucket}PDF_FOLDER/"
exit 0

When I ran the script I am getting an error below

The user-provided path
/home/user/aws/doc/my doc 1.pdf
/home/user/aws/doc/my doc 2.pdf does not exist.

I tried placing the escape character in file.txt

/home/user/aws/doc/my\ doc\ 1.pdf
/home/user/aws/doc/my\ doc\ 1.pdf

I get the same error

The user-provided path
/home/user/aws/doc/my\ doc\ 1.pdf
/home/user/aws/doc/my\ doc\ 2.pdf does not exist.

My file.txt is pretty big and I am trying to figure out how do I copy these files by escaping white space and in a loop.

Thank you!

Solution 1:

You don't escape the white space, you quote your variables correctly. See for more info and copy/paste your code into as the bash tag you used already told you to do then fix the issues it tells you about. Also see and correct-bash-and-shell-script-variable-capitalization.

Try this:

< file.txt xargs -I {} /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp -- "{}" "${S3Path_Bucket}PDF_FOLDER/"

or if you really want to use a loop then:

while IFS= read -r file; do
    /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp -- "$file" "${S3Path_Bucket}PDF_FOLDER/"
done < file.txt